Wide Area Adult Mosquito Treatment Planned for City of Corona

Due to elevated mosquito abundance and a West Nile virus positive mosquito sample, Northwest Mosquito and Vector Control District (NWMVCD) will be conducting a wide-area mosquito control applications on August 15th, 2024. These spray applications will be conducted between the hours of 3:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. at the following location: the City of Corona, cross street of Ontario Ave. and Main Street (see map for more details).
NWMVCD will be treating this area with Aqua-Reslin (EPA Reg.#432-796) for adult mosquito control. These control products have been both approved for use in mosquito control by the US EPA. We’ve dedicated significant efforts towards implementing Integrated Vector Management efforts within this area. Our primary focus of control is to target the immature mosquito in the larval stage of its life cycle before it matures into a flying adult. Signs will be posted on August 13th, 2024, within the neighborhood to notify the public of our activities. Information regarding the treatment will be posted on our website at www.northwestmvcd.org. If there are any questions or concerns, please contact NWMVCD at 951-340-9792.